Custom BURNOUT Filling out the information below will give the BURNOUT Team the information needed to generate a FREE virtual rendering of your custom laser etched logo on a BURNOUT temperature regulating travel mug. Please select the size that would fit the desired logo or wording. The orientation and placement of the logo can be altered from the location in the templates. Please add any information you think our graphics team would need to make your custom mug absolutely awesome. Organization/Company Contact Name* Contact Email* Contact Phone* Contact City* Contact State* Mug Type* Mug Quantity* Logo Rotation* BURNOUT sideOpposite side Logo Height %* 0%25%50%75%100% Logo Location/Size* ABCDEFGHIJ Logo File (vector files only - no pictures) Logo File Comments/Description* 62375 Custom laser etching logo are priced based on laser run time at $3 per minute. Etching less than a case (20 BURNOUTS) will be priced at $15 per etch or $3 per minute if etch exceeds $15. Please speak with your BURNOUT Sales Team member to make sure you provide the correct logo information to avoid any additional setup fees.